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Select Your Member Type

BOMA Toronto provides four membership types: Principal, Young Professional, Allied and Affiliate. For Affiliate membership applications please contact

Principal Member

Voting Member - $780 + HST (per membership)

Individuals or companies whose offices are in the Greater Toronto Area and are actively involved in the ownership, trading or management of buildings in excess of 25,000 square feet.

Please note:  The BOMA Toronto Principal membership fee will no longer include the membership for BOMA International (CMAL). There is an additional fee of $145 for CMAL membership.

Allied Member

Voting Member - $2,699 + HST (per membership)

Fees include on-line resource directory listing/web-link.

Individuals or companies who supply goods or services, materials, equipment or systems to the real property industry or provide a professional or consulting service to the industry, as the Board may from time to time deem appropriate for the category. Each Allied company will be limited to two membership places only - Allied membership fees apply per member. Only one third of BOMA Toronto membership at any time can be Allied members. Historically, this has meant a waiting list in this category. The waiting period differs from time to time, so this should not discourage an applicant from applying.

Emerging Leader Member 

Voting Member - $416 + HST (per membership)

The BOMA Toronto Emerging Leader Membership Category applies to all individuals who are 35 and under and are employed by an owner/manager firm.

Government issued ID is required for proof of age.

Please contact Rahim Datoo at for this membership type. 

Application Process

Membership applications are reviewed by BOMA Toronto on a regular basis. Recommendations are presented to the Board of Directors for approval where required.


Membership is held by the individual named however owned by the member company. Membership cannot be transferred from one company to another.